Wednesday, May 25, 2011

City of Phoenix Self Certification Program

You may have seen the recent article in the Phoenix Business Journal about the City of Phoenix’s Self Certification program (see link below).  The Self-Certification Program eliminates building plan reviews by allowing a registered architect or structural engineer to take responsibility for code compliance and certify that the project complies with the Phoenix Building Construction Code.

This program was brought to our attention and we thought it could be beneficial to the economic development community.  Also, there is a meeting at MAG (Maricopa Association of Governments) this Wednesday in which an overview of the program and results of Phoenix’s pilot program  will be presented to the MAG Building Codes Committee.  Attached, you will find the agenda (item #7) which will provide date/time/location.  We believe this is an innovative approach to speeding up the regulatory process of obtaining a building permit and could be valuable to Arizona economic development professionals.

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