Monday, April 4, 2011

Spotlight on Jamie Cervantes, D.L. Withers

This months spotlight is on an individual who was trusted by the Goldwater family to print photos from Barry’s negatives.  In her past life, she was a manager of a photography studio in northern Wisconsin then she moved to Arizona in the late 1990s and continued with photography.  Over time, she found her way into construction marketing where she still uses her photography skills and her fine arts degree from the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire.   Please meet Jamie Cervantes of D.L. Withers Construction, an AAED Partner Sponsor ….

1.  What is D.L. Withers' specialty?   D.L. Withers Construction (DLWC) experience spans institutional, industrial, transportation, corporate office, retail, sports and entertainment, cultural, high-capacity parking, healthcare, and educational facilities.  Our firm’s ‘specialty’ is truly three-fold encompassing educational, Class A office, and public safety facilities construction management.
2.  What is an economic development accomplishment you are most proud of at D.L. Withers?    As a provider, our involvement in economic development involves supporting Arizona’s leading Economic Development organizations and drivers such as GPEC and the Department of Commerce as well as AAED, Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities, and a host of municipal and regional entities. For example, D.L. Withers has been member of the Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC) for 10 years. Dan Withers, President of DLWC, has served on the GPEC board of directors for eight years. Through this alliance, our firm has been instrumental in providing pre-construction services to a number of corporations looking to move to Arizona. DLWC regularly participates in GPEC sponsored site-selection events and conferences to provide information on the state of the construction industry, including estimating and cost data for potential sites or existing facilities being considered. 

3.  What do you enjoy about your job? Being involved in the built environment has long been the place I feel most at home. After years of working with architects and engineers, it’s refreshing to be involved in the true realization of a project with a reputable local contractor.  There is gratification and pride in being able to watch and document a project we worked hard to get; progress from the moment dirt is turned to the day the owner cuts the ribbon.

4.  What value do you place on your AAED membership?

I find that it is true about any organization, what you get out is only as valuable as what you put in.  I am currently a member of the PR/communication, membership and chair of the EDDE banquet committees.  I have made many business and personnel contacts through the organization.  By the way, there is still room on the EDDE banquet committee if you would like to participate.  Email me at: .

5.  What is a little known fact about you?  I was fortunate to participate in (with an amazing crew of women) and medal in two of my races at the U.S. Rowing Masters Nationals Regatta in 2010. My goal is to win the gold and one day to row in the Royal Henley Regatta on the Thames (and win!).

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