Monday, June 6, 2011

Save the Date - Governor's Statewide Development Conference

Save the Date - October 26 - 28, 2011

The Arizona Association for Economic Development (AAED) in partnership with The Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) & Arizona Rural Development Council (AZRDC) are pleased to announce our upcoming Governor's Statewide Development Conference to be held on October 26 - 28, 2011.

This event (formerly named the Governor's Regional and Rural Development Conference) has provided education and networking for both rural and metro communities for over 35 years. Each year we have had attendees that include: elected and appointed officials, city and county staff, tribal leaders, chamber of commerce executives, community and economic developers, architects, engineers, contractors, utility representatives and many support industries.

This nationally renowned conference convenes many disciplines providing information on technical assistance, funding sources, legislative action, networking, success stories and emerging trends in the field of economic development.

Please mark your calendar for this important date and plan to attend!